Club News

Club News Items and Notices

31st December 2024 – Chairman’s message

“Dear members
On behalf of the committee at Pennine Training Area, I’d like to wish all our members a very Happy New Year
I would also like to thank you all for supporting our club, both at our tests and at training sessions, and to everyone who has helped out in any way at our events. It’s been very much appreciated and you’ve all contributed to the club having a very successful 2024
A very big thank you also goes to the Landowners for allowing us to run our events on their fabulous grounds. Also, thank you to everyone who has judged for us this year.
Thank you also to our wonderful sponsors, Adrian & Karen of AK Gundog Accessories Ltd.
I would also like to give a very big thanks to our committee members who all come out in force to help at both tests and training. Special thanks goes out to Gary Collier our training Co-Ordinator for all the hard work that he does for Pennine and also to Karen Parkinson who does a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure the days are well organised, and run smoothly.
Looking forward to 2025, in addition to training days, we are also putting on 5 working tests. Karen will be posting details on here in the next few days.
HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone, and we will see you all in 2025
Mark Palmer
Chairman of PTA”

24th March 2024 – Sutton in Aston training

“The club held a very successful training day yesterday for puppies novice and open dogs at the Aston Hall Shoot near Frodsham we are hugely grateful to Mick Kay and Graham McPherson for their part in securing the ground for us .(massive shout that clubs need grounds to operate your club needs grounds to function so please keep an eye out for any possibilities)
Thankyou to Michael Nelson and Peter Thompson for their training classes .
A huge benefit of club training is other people throwing dummies and placing blinds it simulates tests and trials superbly , the group gathering tests our dogs and handlers at levels of excitement and competition that we can’t create alone . As a trainer the time saved, huge variety of situations and retrieves that I can create with a good team of helpers is absolutely invaluable. So to this end the Pennine Training Area would like to say a very sincere and heartfelt thankyou to Andrew Hall, Nigel McIlroy, Scott Marland, Paul Brown, Nicky Waddington, Louise Collier, Tracey Langstreth, Zoe Louise Woolcock, Bob Flewitt, Mick Kay and all other members for your help dummy running etc. Members turn up train and leave, rightly so you’ve paid your money, your committee members such as Mark Palmer, Karen Parkinson, Christine Thompson, Kim Howlett, and Peter Thompson will be there to book you in, sort your monies, do the raffle, sort the equipment, pack and unpack at home etc etc long after we’ve gone home, without these people we wouldn’t have gundog clubs they work so hard behind the scenes and deserve our appreciation!” Gary Collier. Club Training Coordinator

16th July 2023 – Haighton Training

“Massive thanks to Geoff Saint for allowing us to hold our training today at his ground near Preston , thick grass pasture, strong breeze and lots of fences provided ample opportunity to test our novice and open dogs both walked up and in statics .
Huge thankyou to John Lupton , Mark Palmer , William Dewhurst , Louise Ann Collier , Peter Thompson and Andy Hall for throwing and placing our retrieves.
Great idea to hold a bit of a social at diner and we would like to thank Peter and Christine Thompson for all your help today and all season in sorting the catering driving the trailer storing the equipment etc etc thanks also to Julie Hunter for booking in and collecting peoples money and also to our members for supporting your club this weekend as I know there’s lots of other events taking place hope you all enjoyed the training day!
Regards Gary”.  Gary Collier. PTA Training Co-ordinator

15 April 2023 – Hoghton Training

“Another successful training day for the club at the Hoghton Woodfold. A great venue with plenty of room to provide for 2 puppy, 2 novice and 2 open classes and some challenging obstacles in the form of valleys, undulating grounds and rivers etc to provide some great learning opportunities for our dogs.
The training was provided by yours truly and Michael Nelson and the committee would like once again to thank all our helpers and dummy throwers who unselfishly give their time up so members can run their dogs – Mark Palmer, Paul Brown, Zoe Louise Woolcock, Louise Ann Collier, and Henry Carter. Thanks to our brilliant hosts and head keeper Lee and all the members for turning out and supporting your club hope you all enjoyed and took something home from the day even if it was areas that need improvement!
Thanks to all the PTA committee , we do seem to be making good progress and its a pleasure to be a part of such a nice friendly team”. Gary Collier. PTA Training Co-ordinator

Committee News

A presentation was made to Mick Pilling at the PTA Open Working Test which took part at Hoghton on the 2nd April 2023 – who after 5 years has retired as the PTA Club Chairman. Thankyou Mick for your diligence and hard work, and we would also like to welcome new Chairman Mark Palmer.

Sponsor news
The committee of the Pennine Training Area (NGRA) are pleased to announce and would like to thank our new sponsor CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds.
Many members already feed CSJ and use their excellent quality supplements such as salmon oil. CSJ are renowned for using top quality ingredients and producing a quality product at a very competitive price.
They produce a wide range of excellent feeds to suit all the different individual dogs’ requirements and the PTA committee would like to thank Karen Blackledge and Adrian Blackledge of AK GUNDOG ACCESSORIES LTD for their part in securing this sponsorship for the club.
AK GUNDOG ACCESSORIES LTD ARE AN OFFICIAL STOCKIST OF CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds. Anyone wishing to try or buy their products can contact ADRIAN or KAREN at AK on 074 11269907″. Gary Collier.

Training information
The 2023 training program is being run by Gary Collier. His advice regarding which class to attend is shown below.
“Regarding the PTA training classes, a question I’m frequently asked this week is what class should I bring my dog to .
Hope this helps:
PUPPY CLASS (areas covered)
IF your dog or you require work/help on any of above it will be best in the puppy class it doesn’t matter how old it is.
NOVICE CLASS (areas covered)
If your dog or you require work/ help on above but has a reasonable grasp of the basics then it should be in the Novice class
The open class will consist of working your trained dog on set up situations coaching will be given if required but dogs should be of a decent standard.
Regards Gary”

2nd October 2022 – Lupton training
“Another wonderful days training yesterday at Lupton. Thank you to everyone that came along and thanks also to trainers Michael Nelson and Peter Thompson and helpers Chris Kettle, Mark Palmer, Neil Whittaker, Julie Hunter and Zoe Louise Woolcock.
Huge apologies to those that couldn’t find the venue. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we had no signs to put out.
The committee also had a meeting after training, and made the decision to cancel and postpone all training sessions until February 2023. We have noticed in previous years that our Nov/Dec/Jan training classes often get cancelled due to inclement weather, trainers not being available due to trialling commitments and members not attending due to having picked up on shoots the day before etc etc., Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but we thought that this was the correct decision to make.
Hope you all have a great shooting/trialling season, and a fab Xmas and we will see you all (if not before) in Feb.

5th February 2022 – Aston Hall training

“On behalf of The Pennine Training Area I would like to thank everyone for coming along to Aston Hall today, for what was our first club training session in 2 years. It was so good to be back and to see everyone again.
The turnout was fabulous and we ran 2 puppy, 3 Novice and 2 Open classes. I think everyone enjoyed it and it was just great to be back doing what we do 😁 ….it felt “normal”
Thanks very much to trainers Michael Nelson, Peter Thompson, Gary Lakey, Gary Collier and Mick Kay. Also thank you to all our wonderful helpers as we couldn’t do it without you.
Can everyone please check their training vests/dummy bags as we have 2 PTA dummies missing?
Also, don’t forget our puppy/NDNH/Novice test on the 5th of March at the same venue as today (Aston Hall). Entries are being taken via the FTMS or by snail mail and cheque to myself….email me or message for an entry form.
Karen Parkinson”

2022 Members’ Pack

“Dear Members

I hope that you are all keeping well and looking forward to the test season ahead.

If you haven’t already paid, your subs are now due. Please find the attached forms which also include the NGRA one too (see 2022 version on Download page).

Also attached is the notice of our AGM which will be on the 17th of February 2022 (see 2022 version on Download page).

Our training groups are also being restarted and the next one is at Aston Hall on the 5th of February.

Tests have also been organised and a schedule will be emailed out to you once everything has been finalised, but the first two are as follows:-

5th March – Aston Hall, Aston-by-Sutton, Runcorn – Puppy, Novice dog/Novice handler and Novice

19th March – Eagland Hill, Pilling – Open

Our preferred method of entry to our tests is now via the FTMS online. The majority of clubs are now embracing this for both tests and trials as it is so easy to use, and cuts down on both time and paperwork. If you struggle with it, just message me and I will send some screen shots which will assist you. The FTMS website is –

I have also attached an entry form should you wish to enter by paper and cheque and post to my address which is on the form (see 2022 version on Download page).

Our Pennine Facebook page, along with our website will keep you updated to any changes to our events, so please take a look at either of these before setting off, as things can get cancelled for reasons that are beyond our control.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards


Karen Parkinson”

The PTA AGM for 2022 will be held at 8pm on Thursday 17th February 2022
The Annual General Meeting for all PTA members will held on the above date at Over Hulton Conservative Club, St Helens Road, Bolton, BL5 1AA. Contact Karen Parkinson if you require more details.

8th December 2021 – Event news for 2022
The events listed below can also now be viewed on this website’s Event Calendar.
“Hi everyone
The committee are currently working hard to bring you a full training and test schedule for 2022. I shall have the full list of dates shortly, but to be going on with please put these dates in your diaries:-
9th Jan – INTAKE HEAD, Delph
5th Feb – ASTON HALL
5th March ASTON HALL. Puppy/NDNH/Novice tests.
19th March EAGLAND HILL, Pilling. Open Test.
9th July ROANLODGE, Buxton. Novice and Open Tests.
Further details will follow and directions to all our venues will be given in your membership packs which I will send out when our other training and test days are sorted.
May I also remind you that subs are due on the 1st of Jan 2022. We have kept the price to Five Pounds, as members also have to be a member of the NGRA.
Karen x”

The PTA AGM for 2021 will be held at 8pm on Monday 24th May
The Annual General Meeting for all PTA members will commence at 8pm on Monday the 24th of May 2021 at Over Hulton Conservative Club, St Helens Road, Bolton, BL5 1AA. Contact Karen Parkinson for more details.

12th May 2021 – Upcoming test news. Date of test – 11.07.2021
From Karen Parkinson:
“OK, so ive got some very exciting news 😁😁😁 i am delighted to tell you that we have organised a Working Test. Please see below for details:-
Venue: Paul Hayley Christmas Trees near Bolton, Lancs
Date: 11th of July 2021
Time: 9am for 9.30 start
Wayne Skett (Panel)
John Benyon
Kevin Jackson
Gary Lakey
Closing date: STRICTLY no entries after the 8th of July, and no entries on the day.
We would be very grateful if anyone can come along and help out on the day. We need dummy throwers and stewards.
Non Members welcome (PM me for an entry form)
PTA members, I will be emailing you an entry form along with directions to the venue plus details of our AGM which will be held at Hulton Con Club at 8pm on the 24th of May. It will be a very quick AGM as there’s really not much to say about last year lol.
Kind regards
PTA Secretary”

7th May 2021 – Team selection news

From Karen Partkinson:
“To all Pennine Members
I hope that you are all keeping well and are managing to get out training now that the rules are starting to relax a bit 😀
We are looking to put together a Team to represent the Pennine Training Area at the 4-Way Match, which is on the 17th of July at a venue near Killington Lake in Cumbria.
We are looking for 2 pups, 2 novice and 2 open dogs.
The criteria is as follows:-
Pups…to be of a good standard, steady, walking to heel off lead, and able to do a blind retrieve
Novice….Preference will be given to dogs with a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or com in a WT.
Open…Must have won a Novice WT
Update…dogs will also need to be used to water retrieves too.
Please note all candidates MUST be fully paid up members of both the PTA and the NGRA.
Please contact myself in the first instance by the 20th of May. Going forward you will then be invited to take part in a selection evening which will be organised by our team selection committee.
Fingers crossed that things carry on getting back to normal and we can all get back to doing what we love 😁
Kind regards
Karen Parkinson x”

27th January 2021 – LATEST NEWS

The club’s AGM for 2021 has been postponed until further notice.

Could members please remember to pay their subscriptions as soon as possible. See the Membership page for further information. Thank you.

The hope is that the club will host up to four working tests later in the season and a schedule of events including training sessions will be sent out in due course. This is of course dependant on prevailing circumstances outside of the club’s control.

SAD NEWS postscript: 18.11.2020

“I would like to thank everybody who gave their condolences and memories of Allan. I was very touched that so many people remembered him and of his support of the Pennine Training Area and gundog work in general”

Pam Illingworth


Allan Illingworth, former member and Committee member of the PTA, passed away on Tuesday, 29th September. He was a keen shooting and picking-up man who ran Golden Retrievers. Alan retired as a Committee member some years ago for health reasons but until recently he still had a keen interest in the Club and in working dogs.

We send our condolences to his wife Pam and children Carolyn and Jason.


Posted by Karen Parkinson on the PTA facebook group.

Please see the latest news from the Kennel Club.



The safety and security of competitors, spectators, volunteers and staff at Kennel Club events continues to be of paramount importance. In light of the continued restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kennel Club has taken the decision with regret to extend its strong recommendation that clubs and societies cancel forthcoming events until the end of September and that serious consideration should be given to events due to be held after this date.

It is vitally important that those responsible for organising events, large or small, conduct a risk assessment which will include ensuring that the event is Covid secure, i.e being compliant with Government advice and guidance on COVID-19. We will be working on further advice to clubs and societies on the issues which need to be addressed in a risk assessment once the Government publishes further guidance or instruction.

This latest recommendation is based on all advice issued by the Government so far which continues to restrict non-essential travel and maintain social distancing. The Kennel Club also recommends that alternative arrangements continue to be put in place regarding other activities such as meetings, seminars and training classes.

It is appreciated that clarity is important in order to be able to plan, budget and mitigate costs and therefore we will provide more definitive advice as soon as the position is clearer from the Government.

The latest advice on the situation regarding COVID-19 is regularly updated and changes daily and we strongly suggest that clubs and societies keep aware of updates as issued by the Department of Health at

The Kennel Club’s current cancellation policy and FAQs, in relation to breed shows, can be accessed at and, in relation to all other disciplines, can be accessed

Please contact the KC office on email to confirm the cancellation or postponement of any licensed events. If your event is cancelled, please also advise whether you require a refund for your licence fee or require the fee to be carried forward for a future event.

Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.


“Further update. I’ve just heard from Phil Smithies, the Secretary of our parent club the NGRA and he has been notified by the Kennel Club that they strongly recommend that tests/training are cancelled until the end of June…so unless the situation changes somewhat, I guess that’s it folks.

Lets hope all the clubs have a busy July and August, and just for good measure, September too.”

Karen Parkinson. Club Secretary


“Just to let everyone know that the 4 way match on the 2nd of May 2020 has been cancelled.

As yet, the PTA tests have not been cancelled, but we will re-assess the situation nearer the time, and let you know what’s happening.

It’s all so disappointing as I know that a lot of you, like me, prefer the tests to trials. Hopefully things will settle down and fingers crossed we can get some of the tests and training days organised.”

Karen Parkinson. Club Secretary

The PTA committee would like to inform all our members that in light of the most recent advice regarding the Coronavirus the training/selection test day on Sunday 22nd March 2020 has now regrettably been cancelled.
We as a club will continue to monitor the situation and will start our training days again as soon as is possible updates via website and facebook.
Regards Gary Collier
Training Coordinator”

22nd March 2020 – TRAINING NOTICE

New Venue
The PTA training day on Sunday 22nd March 2020 will take the form of a progress test where 4/5 safari style exercises will be set up run and judged for puppy, novice, and open dogs.
All members are invited to take part this is a great opportunity at the start of test season to review your training and or to show case your dog to the selection panel.
Harris End Fell offers an exceptional venue to run such an event and the PTA would like to thank Mr Kevin Jackson for all his efforts in securing this brilliant ground.

Full directions will follow.”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

8th January 2020 – Myerscough training

“Great turnout for the PTA at Myerscough college today.
The club would like to thank Mr Mick Kay for all his efforts in sourcing this venue and Mr Andrew Parkinson and all at the college for allowing us to use their facilities.

Thanks to Gary Lakey, Michael Nelson, and Scott Marland for taking our training groups.

Thanks to all who helped throwing marks or putting out blinds – without people giving up their time to help gundog club events wont work!!!
Puppy, novice, and open classes were each split into three separate groups to limit waiting times and make use of woodland, ponds, river, fences, and open pastures.

Portable fences make open pasture a bit more interesting while short cover and firm ground provided safe conditions for teaching our novice and open dogs correct jumping procedure on marks, blinds, and casts.

Our group finished off with a few long marks and blinds down the line.

Hope everyone enjoyed the day.”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

The PTA AGM for 2020 will be held at 2.30pm on Sunday 23rd February

The Annual General Meeting for all PTA members will commence at 2.30pm on Sunday the 23rd of February 2020 at:

Over Hulton Conservative Club, St Helens Road, Bolton, BL5 1AA

A copy of the notice with more information can be found here.

“The training classes scheduled for Sunday 5th Jan are to be rearranged for a date later in the month to enable the club to make use of a generous offer of a new exciting training venue. Details to follow shortly.
Regards Gary”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

15th December 2019 – Haighton training

“The Pennine Training Area would like to thank Mr Geoff Saint for the more than generous use of his excellent dedicated training facility at Cow Hill Haighton for today’s puppy, novice, and open groups.
Thanks to Mr Kevin Jackson for an excellent puppy group it was nice to take part with my own dog and learn from watching proceedings from the other side.
Thanks also to Mr Michael Nelson for the novice and open groups in which full use was made of the many safe and varied fences learning the dogs to stay on line often over considerable distance with double and sometimes treble jumps involved. We made a great start today so keep training.
That was the last PTA event of 2019 so on behalf of all the committee wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Regards Gary”

“I would also add thank you to all those people who have given up their free time all year at all our events to help, making them successful for all our members to enjoy.”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

3rd November 2019 – Intake training

“Apologies to any members today who turned up for the open class at Intake Head, Delph.
On returning to the cars at lunch some nice person had let the tyres down on several of the vehicles and tampered with the valves.

It was decided better to protect the cars from further attack and especially with dogs and equipment contained in them to abandon the rest of the classes we did not take this decision lightly and any member who paid is entitled to a refund. The PTA committee place the security of our venues, vehicles and parking as a highest priority and the issue will be addressed at the next meeting.

Thank you to Kevin Jackson for great puppy and novice classes, thanks to Chris Pilkington, Nikki, and Charlotte for dummy throwing. and Kim Dutton for the fantastic cakes. Hopefully see you all next month.
Regards Gary”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

6th October 2019 – Haighton training

“The PTA would like to say a huge thanks to Mr GEOFF SAINT for the more than generous use of his superb training facility at Cow Hill .
Thank you to all who attended for following the parking instructions we didn’t churn up the ground or get anyone stuck.
Thanks as always to all who helped in the classes trainers and throwers.
Despite the weather forecast we had a big turnout requiring the puppy and novice dogs to be split into three groups after the puppy classes the novice group i took started off training on fences with marks blinds and casts over then progressed to a walk up in rough grass.
The open dogs started with a walk up stretching the dogs over the full width of the rough pasture then progressed to some technical static exercises using multiple jumps on angles for marks and blinds.
Hope everyone enjoyed the day.”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

8th September 2019 – Dalton training

“The Pennine Training Area would like to say a huge thank you to Michael Nelson for the use of today’s training venue the fabulous Russell Farm Dalton.
Stubble and fodder beet provided a testing change to the normal rough pasture of the West Pennine moors.
Warm and sunny with little or no breeze together with tall thick beet provided a stern challenge for all the dogs .
The broad leaf canopy required accurate marking from dog and handler and the dogs have to learn to put their heads down through the cover to find on the fall.
Thank you to all our helpers Charlotte, Jill, Henry, Nikki, Mark, Louise, Bill, and Darren.
Another great turnout meant splitting all groups into 2 classes thanks mike for taking one half all day.
Keep training this is difficult crop to work your dogs in and takes regular correct practise to achieve reliability.”
Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

2nd June 2019 – Intake Head training

“A late change of venue half term holidays and several working tests held on the same day probably all conspired towards a little bit quieter day training at Intake Head than has been the norm lately.
We still managed 1 full group in each category and split the Open with our intermediate group after lunch, a system which hopefully is helping dogs in the transition between novice and open???
We started the Novice with a walk in rushes with dogs cross retrieving marks blinds and delayed marks in turn from the front and behind the line and finished with a static down the line exercise on marks and blinds into the lake.
The Open dogs started on blind and launcher diversions over a post and rail fence and stock fence on the angle with diversions falling into thick cover and finished on blinds and marks through thick rushes and over a stone wall.
A long double mark over the wall and finishing off with a bit of cold game training concluded the day.
Sorry my photographer (Louise?) booked the day off so had to do a short report!!!
Massive thanks to our brilliant helpers today – Charlotte, Laura, Leanne, Neil, Jill, and Peter.
Hope everyone enjoyed and benefited from the day.
Regards Gary”
Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

17th March 2019 – Hoghton training

Having decided to take part in the Novice training class at Hoghton today I arrived to find that I’d taken a wrong turn (or so I thought) – it was like an NCP car park. This event (like many other recent PTA training days) once again proved extremely popular – perhaps another attendance record for this venue?

I wasn’t there for the Puppy classes but the Novice, Intermediate, and Open were run along safari working test lines. This meant that the large turnout could be more easily managed. The consensus from a straw poll suggested that the exercises were ideal practice in advance of the new test season, and everyone also benefited from advice from others, including myself; if you prefer or have to – don’t tell your dog to “leave it” after a diversion’s been thrown UNTIL the judge tells you to begin – I was told failure to wait would result in a zero. It was something I’d never thought of before.

There were (and had to be) plenty of volunteers – Mike P, Mike N, Gary C, Linda, Kevin, Gavin, and Jill acted a judges. They were ably assisted by Gary L, Charlotte, Peter, Paula, Chris, Mark, Paul, Mick (happy birthday Mick), and Kim. Apologies to those I’ve forgotten. Well done everyone.

PS in my opinion best retrieve I saw all day – one of Karen Parkinson’s by a country mile.

Training day scheduled for 6th April 2019

Please note that the Training Day scheduled for 6th April 2019 to be held at Eagland Hill has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. The Club would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. This event will be rescheduled in due course.

17th March 2019 – Garstang training

Please note that Sunday’s training day due to be held at Garstang will instead now take place at Hoghton – please see the ‘PTA Directions 2019’ pdf  which was circulated with this year’s club information pack. Or contact Karen if you require any help.

10th February 2019 – Lupton training

“Thanks must go to committee member Gary Lakey for his efforts in sourcing the ground for today’s training classes.
Lupton sits where the Pennines meet the Cumbrian fells and provides a fantastic venue for us to train our dogs. Large enough to cope with multiple groups, close cropped pasture for puppies ,varied and challenging valleys and undulating rough ground for novice and open.
Splitting into the new groups helped cope with a record turnout and allowed advanced puppy and open to be made testing and interesting.
Thank you to our trainers Michael Nelson, Kevin Jackson, James Murphy and our selfless helpers John Lupton, Jill Cummings, Mark Palmer, Charlotte Collier, Paul Murphy, Louise Collier, and Syd Ralphs. 
Hope you all enjoyed the day keep training and bring on the tests.
Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

14th January 2019 – Training – Advanced notice to members

“Some training days and test days in 2019 will, to avoid clashes during this busy test season, be held on SATURDAYS. 


Check carefully as out of season training may revert back to Sundays.


Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

The PTA AGM for 2019 will be held at 2.30pm on Sunday 24th February

The Annual General Meeting for all PTA members will commence at 2.30pm on Sunday the 24th of February 2019 at:

Over Hulton Conservative Club, St Helens Road, Bolton, BL5 1AA

A copy of the notice with more information can be found here.

The meeting will be preceded by a training session for puppy, and novice/open from 1200 to 1400 at Herman Bank (see your Directions handout). There will also be a free buffet at the AGM.

“This day is designed for members to train and hopefully enjoy the AGM and buffet afterwards as the venues are adjacent. Please note as we have a committee meeting classes will be puppy novice/open only and there will be guest trainers.”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

6th January 2019 – Intake Training

“Our first training day of 2019 got off to a great start for the club at Intake Head, Delph.

Large numbers for puppy, novice, and open required splitting the classes into smaller groups for easier management and to limit waiting time which I hope we achieved today especially in puppy where we had record numbers.






Such big groups required more help so thanks must be given to Mark Palmer, Kevin Jackson, Gary Lakey, Jill Cummings, Paul Murphy, James Murphy, Peter Thompson, Charlotte Collier, and Scott Marland for making the day possible and allowing everyone else to run their dogs.

This club gets bigger, better, and stronger for every member’s benefit and enjoyment due to the selfless helpful and friendly attitude of the people above who help out at events. Thank you to you folks and to any other members who would like to help at our events speak to the event organisers and put a little back into your sport.

Sadly the weather couldn’t quite hold out long enough and the open class was held in quite thick mists and fog which coupled with damp cold conditions and little brèeze made some of the retrieves into the thick rushes very difficult.

Hope everyone enjoyed and benefited from the day !!!!”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

9th December 2018 – Haighton Training

“Thankfully the rain held off for a great finish to the 2018 training programme for the PTA at the fantastic Cow Hill facility of MR GEOFF SAINT.










Large turnouts for puppy, novice, and open classes entailed splitting up into smaller groups to avoid too much waiting on a compact but technical ground where good use was made of the many safe and varied fences for novice and open dogs on a series of static exercises. Challenging double and triple jumps often on angles and hillsides with short casts over water challenged the dogs and highlighted areas for improvement for the handlers future training.
Thanks to everyone for the buffet contributions. Especially the home made cakes savories and sloe gins, I think this could possibly become a regular feature next year.
Thanks to Michael Nelson and James Murphy for taking the classes, to Linda Scott for sorting the ground, and all our fantastic helpers that take this club from strength to strength giving up their time to make our events a success: Mark Palmer, Scott Marland, Gary Lakey, Jill Cummings, Amy Collier, Charlotte Collier, Paul Murphy, and Peter Thompson.

Hope you all enjoyed and benefited from the day.”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

28th October 2018 – Dalton Hall training

Almost uninterrupted sunshine enveloped everyone attending the wonderful Russell Farm for PTA training. It was slightly less cold than some had expected and the northerly breeze on occasion provided just enough help for dogs and handlers.

Perhaps it was the temptation of training on stubble and in beet that resulted in a bumper turn out in all three training classes – puppy, novice, and open. Tuition was of the usual benchmark standard where nonsense help and advice was available to all handlers who either had problems to solve, or were simply lacking in their attention to detail. Gary and Mike again controlled events and set out exercises which suited most and could be shortened for others (including myself with a distraction and a blind down the line). To echo the general consensus – the dummy throwers and helpers (see names below) were as selfless and hardworking as usual, and thanks must go to Mike Nelson and the landowner for organising and granting permission for use of the land.

“Great turnout on a gorgeous day at the fantastic Russell Farm Dalton Hall near Burton-in-Kendal. Massive thanks to Mike Nelson for sorting this venue for the PTA. Also thank you to all the people that again gave up their time to make the day work – Louise Charlotte, Mike, Gary, Jill, Paul, Jill and lights.
It can be a difficult task to balance quality training without people having to wait too long in such large groups but hopefully we all benefited and enjoyed the day.”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

September 2018 – Words from our Captain and Training Coordinator

“The Chatsworth Inter Team event was the last fixture of 2018 for the Pennine Training Area. As the season draws to a close, and as most of the dogs who have featured in the club’s teams for this event over the last 5 or 6 years are close to or now retired, it is a fitting time to pay tribute to a remarkable achievement in a competition that attracts some of the best dogs/handlers from all over the country.

For a small local based test/training club, where our teams are picked from training class regulars, we have had some fantastic dog/handler performances competing against the big national trial clubs. Here are the fantastic dogs that have made it all possible:
TULLYAH DAN. Peter Thompson
Club results :-
2018 – 3rd
2017 – 1st
2016 – 2nd
2015 – 1st
2014 – 2nd
2013 – 5th re-qualified, and the start of a great set of achievements. Well done PTA and some top class dogs.”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

24th June 2018 – Lupton training

“Brilliant training day today for the PTA at the stunning Lupton shoot near Carnforth.

River, on site parking, and some big valleys and seriously undulating terrain made for some good learning for handlers and dogs in puppy and novice and challenging tests for the open. I was impressed by a good standard generally in the open coping with some big asks!!!

Thanks to Daniel Readfern for allowing us to use this brilliant venue. Thanks to Mike, Amy, Charlotte, Louise, Jill, Paul, Phil, and Sid for helping in the classes.”

Gary Collier. PTA Training Coordinator.

See Gallery page for photos.

May 2018 – Privacy Policy

We have recently updated our Privacy Policy which gives you information on the data that we hold about you, and also your rights as a member.

29th April 2018 – 4 way match – Whittington Hall

A review of the event by Marilyn Smith of Pilling Moss Gundog Club is available to read on the Results 2018 page. Well done to everyone who organised, helped, and competed.

Download page

There’s now a new page called Download. It’s purpose is to act as a central hub for documents and forms for download by both members and non-members.

PTA official photographers

Sykes Media & Photography have been appointed to take photos at club events.

8th April 2018 – Working Tests – Aston Hall

“Well done everyone in the awards at today’s Aston Hall working tests.

The tests were very well thought out, challenging, yet achievable, and the well trained dogs came to the fore. Some of us now know what we need to work with our dogs on, in my case today, it was Water, blinds in woods, and Danny listening better, and ignoring shot from other tests ?

Thanks very much to everyone that was involved. The judging was very fair with all the judges helping the puppies to achieve success if they failed, which was a really nice touch. I would especially like to thank my fellow committee members who all pulled together. The club is going from strength to strength, and I am so proud to be a part of it.”

Karen Parkinson
PTA General Secretary.

“Another hugely successful day today at The Pennine Training Area Puppy Novice and Veteran Working Test held at Aston Hall.
There were some challenging but achievable tests set. A enormous thanks to all dummy throwers and helpers. Thanks also to our judges.”

Linda Scott
PTA Test Secretary.

REMINDER – The PTA AGM for 2018 will be held at 2.30pm on Sunday 11th March

The Annual General Meeting for all PTA members will commence at 2.30pm on Sunday the 11th of March 2018 at Little Hulton Cricket & Bowling Club, Old Vicarage Ground, Manchester Road West, Little Hulton, Manchester, M38 9UW. A copy of the notice with more information can be found hereThere will also be a training session beforehand at Westhoughton (Herman). Puppy, Novice, and Open all meet at 12 noon (see ‘Directions to Venues’ information sheet).

PTA closed group facebook page

Most members will now be aware that the club has a closed group page on facebook® called ‘Pennine Training Area’. There’s a shortcut link at the top of each website page to help navigate to it, or alternatively click on this logo. Remember you’ll also need to be logged on to your facebook® account in order to participate and read posts.

Working Test scheduled for 5th August 2018 – updated details

Details for this test now appear on the website’s Events Calendar. If you require further information please contact the club’s General Secretary Karen Parkinson.

Training Day scheduled for 4th February 2018 – change of date and venue

The training day scheduled for 4th February 2018 at Delph (Intake) will instead now take place on the 18th February 2018 at an alternative (and new) venue at Garstang. Members should have now received directions via the club’s Facebook page and email. Please contact the club’s General Secretary Karen Parkinson if you require further information.

PTA AGM 2018 update – change of date

The PTA AGM for 2018 will now be held at 2.30pm on Sunday 11th March (and NOT the 18th of February as previously advertised)

The Annual General Meeting for all PTA members will commence at 2.30pm on Sunday the 11th of March 2018 at Little Hulton Cricket & Bowling Club, Old Vicarage Ground, Manchester Road West, Little Hulton, Manchester, M38 9UW. A buffet will be provided. There will also be a training session beforehand at Westhoughton (Herman). Puppy, Novice, and Open all meet at 12 noon, and please note the gate will be closed at 12.30pm (see ‘Directions to Venues’ information sheet). Members who attend training before the AGM please note – NO muddy boots allowed at the meeting. Thank you.

Training day scheduled for 10th December 2017 – change of venue

The PTA training day scheduled to take place at Intake on Sunday the 10th of December 2017 will now be held at a new venue located at Haighton near Grimsargh. Please see Event listing for postcode and address. The postcode is nearest and the venue will also be signposted. 

21st November 2017 – PTA Committee member Mike Nelson qualifies for Retriever Championship

On the 23rd October 2017 Mike won the Northern Golden Retriever 14 dog Novice Stake at Hy-Fly with his Lab Bitch HAWKSGARTH INDIANA which enabled him to enter Open Qualifying Stakes.

On the 20th-21st November 2017 he also won the 24 dog Leicestershire Gundog Society Open Stake held at Nevill Holt. This qualified him for a run in the 2017 Retriever Championship to be held at Hy-Fly on the 4th-6th December.

The club sends it’s congratulations for his win at the 2 Day and best wishes for the Championship.

3rd September 2017 – Chatsworth success

PTA team secure first place in the Inter Counties Team Invitation Gundog Working Test at Chatsworth

The last outing in 2017 for the PTA team was at the prestigious Team Invitation Working Test at Chatsworth House by kind permission of The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire.

Thirteen teams representing clubs the length of the country compete in this must win event.

Each team comprises three dogs, many of these are field trial champions or winners and some have represented their country in international events. This is the best of the best and on a big stage at Chatsworth Country Fair.

In 2015 the PTA team won the event, in 2016 it was an extremely creditable runners up award. In 2017 the team were not there to come second; winning was the only thought in their mind.

With steely determination the team of Gary Collier – Thornyoaks Tanzanite, Roz McIlroy – Autumnwillow Scout and Scott Marland – Greenbriar Tame delivered every retrieve the judges asked over the two days.

At the end of the second day the PTA had once again done enough to win this prestigious event. Not content with winning, Gary Collier and Thornyoaks Tanzanite were the top dog winning a very substantial prize very kindly donated by one of the exhibitors.

Left to right: Scott Marland, Gary Collier (Captain), Roz McIlroy

Training day scheduled for 25th June 2017

Please note that the Training Day scheduled for 25th June 2017 to be held at Lupton has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. The Club would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Working Tests scheduled for 18th June 2017

Please note that all Working Tests scheduled for 18th June 2017 to be held at Christmas Trees Bolton have been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
The Club would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Training Day scheduled for 4th June 2017

Please note that the venue has now been changed – the event will now be held at Intake Head, and NOT Eagland Hill as previously advertised.

Working Tests scheduled for 18th June 2017

NOTE: the venue has been changed. The event will now be held at Bolton (Christmas Trees) and NOT Strines as previously advertised.

The PTA AGM for 2017 will be held at 3pm on Sunday 26th February

The Annual General Meeting for all PTA members will commence at 3pm on Sunday the 26th of February 2017 at Little Hulton Cricket & Bowling Club, Old Vicarage Ground, Manchester Road West, Little Hulton, Manchester, M38 9UW. A copy of the notice with more information can be found here. There will also be a training session beforehand at Westhoughton (Herman). Puppy, Novice, and Open all meet at 12 noon (see ‘Directions to Venues’ information sheet).

1st December 2016 – New appointment

Congratulations to the club’s new Secretary Karen Parkinson. Her contact details are listed here. The members of the Committee would like to welcome her and are grateful for her support, and look forward to working with her to take the club forward to the next level.

4th September 2016 – Chatsworth

PTA team secure second place in the Inter Counties Team Invitation Gundog Working Test at Chatsworth (see Results 2016 page and Gallery page).

28th August 2016 – Match PTA v Dove Valley Working Gundog Club – Christmas Trees (Bolton)

wuffitThe annual competition with Dove Valley was held at home and the PTA overcame stiff competition to record a fine victory. The club is grateful to Wuffitmix who kindly sponsored this year’s event. To visit their website click here.

Best puppy on the day was awarded to Linda Scott, two PTA team members finished amongst the awards in the Novice category, and our Open team took the top four places. Junior member Tom Kay showed great skill and composure in the Puppy category to gain a very creditable third place with Roz McIlroy in fourth, and second place went to Dove Valley’s Ian Glover. Scott Marland was first in Open scoring the same points as Amy Collier placed second, with Gary Collier in third, and Anna Licciardi in fourth. Only four points separated first and fourth places.

Gary Lakey was second in Novice and Aidrian Lakey third. Novice winner was Carol Probert from Dove Valley with team mate John Mee in fourth place.

A great day with excellent judging by Lisa Marson and Neil Appleton.

NGRA Field Trial dates 2016-17

For those of you who would like details of the NGRA Field Trial Schedule 2016-17. Please click here



6th July 2016 – Christmas Trees training

The weather today was a repeat of May’s working test at this venue – sun kissed and a light breeze though somewhat cooler. There was a truly excellent turn out again which meant the puppy group was split into three sub groups based on age and capability, and the novice training session was organised to mimic a working test set up with four separate and varied tests including a walked up session. Thanks again to Paul for allowing us to use the venue, and to all the helpers on the day including Tom, Syd, Hilary, Trefor, Scott, Avril (the loudest dummy thrower on the day), Charlotte, Louise (for the hot dogs too), training Co-ordinator Gary, and everyone else I’ve failed to mention.

19th June 2016 – Working Tests – Strines 

Report filed by Trefor Richards. PTA Puppy, Novice and Veteran test for A.V.Retrievers. It was a dry, clear day with a variety of tests for the dogs.  Judges were Steve Crookes, David Bellamy, Jim Murphy and Wayne Skett, with Anne Crookes as Chief Steward.  The ground was used to it’s utmost – the tests included walk-ups, set piece retrieves, and work in water.  Prior to the awards at the end of the day our Chairman made a presentation to our former Chairman Steve Crookes and former Secretary Philip Smithies, praising them for their outstanding work for the Club over many years.

22nd May 2016 – Match Clwyd Retriever Club v PTA – Halkyn

Report filed by Trefor Richards. The competition was friendly and well fought and the PTA won a closely contested match by just two points. The margin of victory would have been more but unfortunately an element of the score for one of our puppies was not recorded. In the Puppy we gained 3rd and 4th places with Ady Lakey and Steve Burns, in the Novice Ralph Kleeli took 4th place, and in the Open we had a clean-sweep – Gary Collier was 1st, with Scott Marland, Amy Collier and Peter Thompson in 2nd, 3rd and 4th places respectively. The competition was held in good weather on extremely testing ground which was new to us, and the day ended with a buffet in the sunshine. Thanks to Clwyd for organising a very enjoyable event.

8th May 2016 – Christmas Trees Working Tests – Bolton

Puppy and Novice winners: Mick Kay (left) and Ralph Kleeli

The plantation was sun kissed, temperatures reaching the mid twenties, and a light breeze made for a balmy summer’s day.

Ralph Kleeli wrested first place from a strong field in the Novice category, and Mick Kay and ‘Echo’ scooped yet another first place in a Puppy category working test.

Thanks again go to everyone who helped on the day: the dummy throwers (many of whom were competitors who had competed / were yet to compete), judges, dog stewards, Cath Burns for the catering, Gary Collier acting chief Steward for the day, and Working Test Secretary Steve Burns.

Photos – see left. The same photos will, as usual, also be filed on the Gallery page.

Scores to follow

1st May 2016 – Eagland training

Another well attended training day but no sunshine this time, though the drizzle and light rain failed to dampen the enthusiasm of both dogs and handlers. The club welcomed new members Neil, Gill, Lisa, and Phil, and thanks to everyone who helped during the day – including Amy, Charlotte, Barry, Trefor, Sid, Kevin, Mike, and Jim amongst others.

Of course thanks to Gary again, to our hosts Mike and Val, and to everyone for adhering to the change in parking arrangements.

29th April 2016 – Website change

A new top menu has been added above the header image. This has been done primarily to improve access to the Events Calendar from portable devices. Other links will follow including Health & Safety and the venue Vets List.

If anyone can think how the website might benefit from any unique pages accessed only from the new top menu (so therefore separate from the main menu) – please email the Secretary.

24th April 2016 – Inter Counties Team Event Open Working Test for Retrievers – Linden Lakes, Woburn Abbey Estate, Bedfordshire

The PTA team of Roz McIlroy (Lab.D Autumn Willow Scout), Judith White (Lab.D Minstead Axel), and Peter Thompson (Lab.D Thornyoaks Topaz) were placed in fifth in a field of 15 teams.

The South Eastern Gundog Society were competition winners, and the award for overall individual Top Dog was presented to Jacky Crew (GR.D Echobrook Dexter) of the Utility Gundog Society.

24th April 2016 – Four Way Match – Winster

Burns & Becks Gundog Club hosted the day with teams from Pilling Moss Gundog Club, NEFRA, and the PTA also competing in this annual event.

Burns & Becks were the winners, second place: Pilling Moss, third place: PTA, and fourth place: NEFRA. A margin of only 12 points separated the top three teams.

Top puppy and novice dog awards went to Mick Kay and Mike Pilling respectively, and Mick Kay was also presented with a red rosette and certificate for overall individual Top Dog.


PTA crew (clickable – opens photo in new window)

Thanks to Burns & Becks for hosting such an extremely well organised event. A hard act to follow but I’m sure the PTA will ‘step up to the mark’ next year.

UPDATE – training day on the 1st of May 2016 – Eagland Hill

NOTE (added Tue 19th April) – the usual parking area may not be fit for use by the number of vehicles likely to turn up to this event. Additional parking will be available at: St Mark’s Church, Bradshaw Lane, Eagland Hill, PR3 6BA. Our host has suggested you take extreme care on the roads in the area, and avoid putting any wheel off the road surface if at all possible. Contact our Training Co-ordinator Gary Collier if you’re in any doubt about what you should do (mobile: 07795226403).

The church has requested that vehicles should not arrive before 9.45am – there is a church service scheduled and the congregation will be using car park until then.

Parking for 5 to 6 cars will also be available on the track at the side of our host’s house. The suggestion is that these spaces are reserved for trainers and those who are less mobile (and will therefore have a shorter distance to walk).

Start times will remain unchanged though the club would like to apologise in advance if sessions either start later than planned, or run over their allotted finishing times. Please be patient. Thank you.

Mike said he’ll also provide the tea bags etc.

3rd April 2016 – Aston training

It was a case of deja vu. A sunny day, good attendance, and hot dogs too. Due to ploughing we were allowed to train in a crop about a foot high which made for interesting retrieves for those dogs not used to such cover.

P1180672bFortunately everyone’s nose worked well, and a gentle breeze and deft positioning of exercises and dummies made for a successful day’s training. The crop also provided a good backdrop for photo opportunities though I’m afraid a very high percentage of those that I took ended up blurred (as usual). Thanks again to the Landowner.

The only downside to what was an otherwise perfect day was the waterlogged ground, though the only two casualties of the mud were the Training Co-ordinator and his pride and joy – a lovely new Paramo jacket (which is now ‘camo’ rather than green – see photo). Everyone was grateful for the bonus training tip of ‘how to fall gracefully into mud without swearing’.

P1010669aAll photos were taken during the puppy training session, so if anyone recognises their own dog please feel free to right click and ‘save as’.

PS the uploaded Gallery images have a smaller file size compared to the originals, but will generally be easier to use and print.

The originals are still available to anyone who’d prefer to ‘Photoshop’ their own dogs (the main difference is that they’ve not been cropped). Some of the images look even better when converted to grayscale (personal preference of course – particularly black dogs).

The Venue information page and future versions of the Venue Directions information sheet have been updated with regard to parking instructions at Aston. It is important not to inconvenience residents on site and in particular no parking in front of the houses please. Thank you.

20th March 2016 – Hoghton training

The weather forecast was set fair though we were all unexpectedly bathed in sunshine too.

Training took place at the club’s latest venue. There was an excellent turn out (again), our hosts were very welcoming, and we were afforded use of all of their facilities. The club is extremely grateful for their hospitality.

The consensus was that it was an extremely useable location with a considerable variation of ground, including a river, which catered for all levels of skill in each of the three sessions (for puppy, novice, and open dogs). There were plenty of helpers and all classes were rotated with an assortment of tests designed to vary the experience of both dog and handler. Thanks to Gary and everyone else who gave up their time and the chance to train their own dogs.

Lets hope we’re able to return there in the future.

UPDATE – 4 way Match on the 24th April 2016 – timings and directions have now been confirmed.

See our Events Calendar for details. Here’s a link to details for this event.

13th March 2016 – Open working test at Eagland Hill

From an initial entry of 30 dogs a field of 24 took part with Mr P Thompson and Thornyoak Topaz taking 1st place by 11 points from Mrs J White in second, and Mrs R McIlroy in third. Other awards went to Mrs J White – the Jeanara Water Cup, and Mr P Travis – the Birtenshaw Tankard.

Click here for scores.


The AGM took place in a packed Little Hulton Cricket & Bowling Club following a training session at Westhoughton.


Roz McIlroy was presented with a framed set of photos in memory of valued PTA team member – Labrador Sealpin Gunna – “Gibbs” – who will be sadly missed. Photo courtesy Louise Collier

Awards went to Wayne Skett and Amy Collier, and reports told of increased membership and income over expenditure compared to the previous year.

Treasurer John Benyon’s spectacular late arrival with his own version of the Chancellor’s ‘Red Box’ drew great cheers and applause from those gathered.

The club also welcomed two new members to the Committee – Jim Murphy and Gary Lakey – who both bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge.


Chairman Trefor Richards with Amy Collier and the Warpersmoss Shield. Photo courtesy Louise Collier




Trefor Richards with Wayne Skett and the Castleshaw Trophy. Photo courtesy Louise Collier

An additional working test was announced to accommodate the number of exceptional puppies progressing through the ranks of the PTA, and this new test will take place on the 8th of May together with Novice and Veteran tests which are already scheduled to take place at Christmas Trees on the same day. See the Events Calendar.

UPDATE – training day on the 20th March 2016 -directions for Hoghton Tower estate venue

Direction information sheets were posted on the 26th of February to members without an email address, or who have opted-out of receiving club correspondence by email. The large majority of members with email, and who have opted-in (thank you), will have received an email message on the 27/28.02.16. Hard copies will also be available at the forthcoming AGM. If for whatever reason you haven’t received your copy please contact the Secretary – email: or see (see contact pages).

The PTA AGM will be held at 3pm on Sunday 6th March 2016

The Annual General Meeting for all PTA members will commence at 3pm on Sunday the 6th of March 2016 at Little Hulton Cricket & Bowling Club, Old Vicarage Ground, Manchester Road West, Little Hulton, Manchester, M38 9UW. A copy of the notice with more information can be found here. There will also be a training session beforehand at Westhoughton (Herman). Puppy, Novice, and Open all meet at 12 noon (see ‘Directions to Venues’ information sheet).

7th February 2016 – Aston training


Photo of the day – Click to enlarge. Photo courtesy Alan Findlow.

The training day at Aston began in brilliant sunshine. Many of those attending commented on how pleasant it was to venture outside and not get wet in the process (although the ground was still waterlogged in places).

WP_20160207_008 v2

The event was extremely well attended and the added bonus of hot dogs and cake provided at the lunch break by Louise and Gary were well appreciated.

Photos (courtesy of Louise, Alan, and the Secretary).

4th January 2016 – Membership packs

All members should receive their Membership renewal packs shortly which will include a membership application form, Event and Working Test schedules, a working test entry form, a ‘Directions to Venues’ information sheet, notice of the Annual General Meeting, details regarding trophies and Committee nominations, and other useful information. As the PTA forms part of the Northern Golden Retriever Association there is also a copy of the NGRA Code of Ethics.

The Club would be grateful if all members continued to ‘opt-in’ to accepting correspondence exclusively by email – this will help to reduce printing and postage costs (this issue was previously discussed and approved by the Committee in 2012) and also lessen our carbon footprint. The PTA membership renewal form has a tick box – by leaving it unticked you will verify your agreement to receive emails. Your email address will remain confidential between you and the Club (please print your email address clearly). The hope is that some and then eventually all communication will be sent by email in the future, so please tick the box only if you would still prefer to receive a hardcopy by post.

3rd January 2016 – The Events Calendar for 2016 is now complete

Thanks go to Steve and Gary for it’s prompt, attentive, and efficient compilation.

Unless otherwise stated all dates listed so far are confirmed events. Other dates for additional training days, training evenings, and NGRA Field Trials will follow in due course. There are PDF versions of the PTA Working Test Schedule and the PTA Events Programme available for download from the Events page.

Please regularly check the Events Calendar for additional or cancelled events, changes to dates and times, and any other amendments which may be outside the control of the Club – for example adverse weather or ground conditions, unscheduled changes to planned crop rotation, or variation of field use at short notice.

Please check the website rather than miss an additional opportunity to train, or make a wasted journey due to a cancellation or date change. Thank you.

If you know of anything that you think the Club might be interested in (especially about the Club itself), or anything that’s happened or about to happen, please share your experiences with us – send an email to: This is your website – contributions gratefully received.

Please send in your news and articles about you, your friends, your dog(s), their dog(s), your training stories, and any snippets and top tips from you or from the world of gundogs. Thank you.

WordPress software is now used by a fifth of internet websites. Almost all Gundog Club and Field Trial Societies would appear to use it too. Pages will display correctly when using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer version 11 and Microsoft Edge – version 8 still works but gives indifferent results, and versions 9 and 10 are better but, like version 8, are also no longer supported by Microsoft.

The website works well on tablets and smart phones. On very small screens i.e. smart phones – the main menu originally displayed vertically in a ‘stacked’ view though now displays as a more convenient ‘drop-down’ – which is green and has a centrally positioned menu icon (three horizontal bars). The Events Calendar view resizes but is still easy to navigate and read. Would appreciate any feedback regarding the site and how it could be improved. Thanks PTA Sec.

For insurance reasons non members aren’t permitted to take part in training sessions although Prospective Members are allowed to join in (defined as those members who have applied and paid for membership of the NGRA and PTA – though haven’t yet been approved by the NGRA Committee).

27th December 2015 – Working Tests 2016

All Working Tests for 2016 are now listed on the Events Calendar. Thanks go to Working Test Secretary Steve Burns for providing the completed schedule. Training dates will be announced soon, followed shortly thereafter by the PTA annual mailing for 2016 (containing anything and everything you will need for the 2016 season). This will be sent by post though there are instructions contained therein which will hopefully re-confirm members’ agreement to receive all future correspondence exclusively by email.

1st November 2015 – Intake training

Who could have imagined that a November day at Intake could possibly bask in such wonderful sunshine. Another excellent turn out on a balmy autumn day kept both trainers and dummy throwers very busy. Thanks again to everyone who attended and also those who helped throughout the day. Photos published on this page (including one showing the ingenious adjustable fence jump! Well done to everyone who helped).

4th October 2015 – Christmas Trees training

The PTA Training Day was a great success. The excellent turn out included one new and three potential new members. Thanks to everyone who helped.

22nd September 2015 – NEFRA date

Our neighbours NEFRA (Northern England Flatcoated Retriever Association) have organised a health seminar on Sunday the 15th of November. It will be held the day after the Gundog Breeds of Scotland championship show, giving some people in the south two good reasons for traveling north. The venue is the Pennine Manor Hotel, near Junction 23 of the M62 to enable flat coated retriever owners from across the north of England to attend. For more details click here.

6th September 2015 – Chatsworth success

PTA team secure first place in the Inter Counties Team Invitation Gundog Working Test at Chatsworth (see Results 2015 page).

30th August 2015 – Intake training

Intake training: Our Training Co-ordinator seen sporting a baseball cap in the new team colour – in time for the team event at Chatsworth. Widget bars (see Home page) have been colour coded accordingly.

23rd August 2015 – Redwith test

Scott Marland victorious in final PTA Working Test of 2015 (see Results 2015 page).

16th August 2015 – Dove Valley victory

PTA victorious in match against Dove Valley. Amy Collier and ‘Ozzie’ top score with 75 points (see Results 2015 page).