Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

If you have photos that were taken at Club events, or of your dogs, or anything else of interest that we can display on this page – please let us know.

If you have just a few files which are relatively small in size – you could attach them to an email. Anything larger? Perhaps you have them saved to Dropbox or Flickr? Please get in touch or send a link to your photos. If you prefer we can also water mark any images prior to upload. Please contact ether the club Secretary –, or the club webmaster

The Photo Galleries can be viewed by picture or as a slideshow (which can be paused), and both options can also be viewed ‘as is’, maximised, or fullscreen. An ‘advance left’ or ‘advance right’ arrow appears if you hover your mouse either side of the current image. There’s also an information section that shows each picture’s camera settings.

The images have been either cropped or reduced in size to avoid slower download and screen refresh, and consequently may be slightly less ‘pin sharp’ than the originals.

© All photos on this website are copyright. All rights are reserved and unauthorised use is prohibited. Those not taken by the club webmaster are either captioned or have an image Title Attribute (please hover over image to view) indicating reproduction ‘courtesy of’ along with the name of their respective owners. When viewing image galleries please refer to the ‘i’ information section of each photo. Again – no mention of the term ‘courtesy of’ and the name of the owner infers that the photo was taken by the club webmaster. All photos taken by the club webmaster may be used by any PTA member for their own personal use, there’s no need to ask for permission, and there’s no charge.

PTA Lupton tests 150619

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Dalton Hall training 281018

Match PTA Chatsworth 010918 – 020918. Photos courtesy Sue Worrall – Watersplash Photography

Haighton 010718

No Images found.

Lupton training 240618

Match PTA Chatsworth 030917

Match PTA Chatsworth 040916

Working Test Christmas Trees 080516

4 Way Match 240416

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Aston training 030416

Hoghton training 200316

Hoghton training 200316 greyscale

Aston training 070216

Intake training 011115

Match PTA Chatsworth 060915 (additional photos)

Match PTA Chatsworth 060915


Working Test Knockin 230815


Match PTA v Clwyd Retriever Club 240515

© All photos on this website are copyright. All rights are reserved and unauthorised use is prohibited. Those not taken by the club webmaster are either captioned or have an image Title Attribute (please hover over image to view) indicating reproduction ‘courtesy of’ along with the name of their respective owners. When viewing image galleries please refer to the ‘i’ information section of each photo. Again – no mention of the term courtesy of’ and the name of the owner infers that the photo was taken by the webmaster. All photos taken by the webmaster may be used by any PTA member for their own personal use, there’s no need to ask for permission, and there’s no charge.